28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”
What better place to leave your worries behind than the beach? I know that whenever I get a chance to be in awe of God's vastness, at the beach, I feel at rest. Don't think you have to do it ALL yourself. You have a Heavenly Father that is ready and waiting for you to come to Him, take advantage of that.
This time of year can cause stress on some of you, but don't let it. This is a season of thankfulness for ALL that we are blessed with, and it all comes from God. He wants nothing more than for you to come to Him when times start to get stressful and you feel like you have nobody else to lean on.
Hugs & <3's
What better place to leave your worries behind than the beach? I know that whenever I get a chance to be in awe of God's vastness, at the beach, I feel at rest. Don't think you have to do it ALL yourself. You have a Heavenly Father that is ready and waiting for you to come to Him, take advantage of that.
This time of year can cause stress on some of you, but don't let it. This is a season of thankfulness for ALL that we are blessed with, and it all comes from God. He wants nothing more than for you to come to Him when times start to get stressful and you feel like you have nobody else to lean on.
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Just like a father holds up his child... all the more our Heavenly Father holds us up! |
Hugs & <3's
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See you soon! Same place... new time.